During the second semester of 2022, our producer Diego Gutiérrez took on the role of directing the 2nd Short Film Festival of Villavicencio, CRISOL.

On 2022, our producer Diego Gutiérrez took on the task of directing the 2nd Villavicencio Short Film Festival, CRISOL. Likewise, as an advisor to CORCUMVI, he was project manager of agreement 556 of 2022, which regulates the Crisol Film Festival for the strengthening of the cinematography and audiovisual sector.
Villavicencio is a melting pot, a place where cultures mix and traditions of different people come together. It is a cosmopolitan city that grows thanks to its deep roots in oral tradition.
It has been a time of learning and collective work, of understanding ourselves as part of an ecosystem that can only be sustained if all its organisms have the conditions to grow.
We thank everyone who made this year one to remember.